▣ Max Beckmann (German, 1884-1950)


The German Expressionist Max Beckmann created more than eighty self-portraits during his career - many of them prints, which afforded him a range of marks, lines, and textures with which to articulate his own shifting attitudes and emotional states. <Source : Brooklyn Museum>

  • Self-Portrait (1899)

[ 1899, Oil on canvas, 25 x 19 cm. <Source : Sprengel Museum> ]

  • Self-Portrait (1905)

[ 1905, Oil on canvas, 43.9 x 55.1 cm. <Source : Städel Museum> ]

  • Self Portrait in Florence (1907)

[ 1907, Oil on canvas, 98 x 90 cm. <Source : Hamburg Kunsthalle> ]

  • Self-Portrait with Raised Hand (1908)

[ 1908, Oil on canvas, 55 x 45 cm. <Source : Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza> ]

  • Double Portrait of Mink and Me (1909)

[ 1909, Oil on canvas, 143.5 x 112 cm. <Source : Staatliche Galerie, Halle> ]

  • Selbstbildnis als Krankenpfleger (Self-Portrait as an Orderly) (1915)

[ 1915, Oil on canvas, 55.5 × 38.5 cm. <Source : Wuppertal, Von der Heydt-Museum> ]

  • Self Portrait with Red Scarf (1917)

[ 1917, Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm. <Source : Staatsgalerie Stuttgart> ]

  • Self-Portrait with Champagne Glass (1919)

[ 1919, Oil on canvas, 65.0 x 55.5 cm. <Source : Städel Museum> ]

  • Selbstbildnis als Clown (1921)

[ 1921, Oil on canvas, 100 x 59 cm. <Source : Von der Heydt-Museum Wuppertal> ]

  • Selbstbildnis vor rotem Vorhang (1923)

[ 1923, Oil on canvas, 110 x 59.5 cm. <Source : Private> ]

  • Self Portrait on Yellow Ground with Cigarette (c.1923)

[ circa 1923, Oil on canvas, 60.2 x 40.3 cm. <Source : Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)> ]

  • Double Portrait Carnival, Max Beckmann and Quappi (1925)

[ 1925, Oil on canvas, 160.5 x 104.5 cm. <Source : Museum Kunstpalast> ]

  • Self-Portrait in a White Cap (Selbstbildnis mit weißer Mütze) (1926)

[ 1926, Oil on cardboard, 100 x 71 cm. <Source : Private> ]

  • Self-Portrait in Tuxedo (1927)

[ 1927, Oil on canvas, 139.5 x 95.5 cm. <Source : Harvard University Art Museums> ]

  • Self Portrait with a Saxophone (1930)

[ 1930, Oil on canvas, 140.5 x 69.5 cm. <Source : Kunsthalle, Bremen> ]

  • Self-Portrait (1932)

[ 1932, Watercolor and charcoal on paper, 62.9 x 47.9 cm. <Source : North Carolina Museum of Art> ]

  • Selbstbildnis mit Glaskugel (Self-Portrait with Crystal Ball) (1936)

[ 1936, Oil on canvas, 110 x 65 cm. <Source : Sotheby's> ]

  • Self-Portrait (1937)

[ 1937, Oil on canvas, 192.5 × 89 cm. <Source : The Art Institute of Chicago> ]

  • Self-Portrait (1938)

[ 1938, Gouache on paper, 48.3 x 53 cm. <Source : Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum> ]

  • Self-Portrait with Horn (1938)

[ 1938, Oil on canvas, 109.9 x 101 cm. <Source : Sotheby's> ]

  • Selbstbildnis auf Grün mit Grünem Hemd (1938-1939)

[ 1938-39, Oil on canvas, 65.5 x 50 cm. <Source : Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig> ]

  • Self-portrait with Green Curtain (Selbstbildnis mit Grünem Vorhang) (1940)

[ 1940, Oil on canvas, 55 x 76 cm. <Source : Sprengel Museum> ]

  • Selbstbildnis mit Grauem Schlafrock (1941)

[ 1941, Oil on canvas, 95.5 x 55.5 cm. <Source : Bayerische Staatsgemaldesammlungen> ]

  • Double-Portrait of the Artist and His Wife Quappi (1941)

[ 1941, Oil on canvas, 194 x 89 cm. <Source : Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam> ]

  • Selbstbildnis an der Bar (1942)

[ 1932, Oil on canvas, 90 x 70 cm. <Source : Neue Nationalgalerie> ]

  • Selbstbildnis Gelb-Rosa (Self-Portrait Yellow-Pink) (1943)

[ 1943, Oil on canvas, 94.5 × 56 cm. <Source : Sotheby's> ]

  • Selbstbildnis in Schwarz (1944)

[ 1944, Oil on canvas, 95 x 60 cm. <Source : Bayerische Staatsgemaldesammlungen> ]

  • Self Portrait in Olive and Brown (1945)

[ 1945, Oil on canvas, 60.3 × 49.8 cm. <Source : Detroit Institute of Arts> ]

  • Self-Portrait with Cigarette (1947)

[ 1947, Oil on canvas, 63.5 × 45.5 cm. <Source : Dortmund, Museum am Ostwall> ]

  • Self-Portrait with Dark Blue Gloves (1948)

[ 1948, Oil on canvas, 91.5 x 79 cm. <Source : Private> ]

  • Self-Portrait in Blue Jacket (1950)

[ 1950, Oil on canvas, 140 x 91.4 cm. <Source : Saint Louis Art Museum> ]


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